Breakfast in Bed – Kid Friendly Version



Breakfast in bed has long been a Mother’s Day tradition across the country.  This post is not meant for Mom’s, but for those who care about them.  So, I will be addressing both kid’s and their adult helpers.  This is my Kid Friendly version of breakfast in bed.  Although mom’s love to be pampered, it’s not always a good idea for a young child to be handling mom’s good china and crystal.  So, I thought it would be fun to give kids some ideas on how they can prepare some simple crafts and recipes (with adult supervision) to surprise Mom.  And even if they don’t have the adult supervision needed for cooking on the stove or using a knife to cut things, I will mention some easy substitutions!

So, if you are a mom… now is the time you turn the computer over to your children or significant other or whomever may be a trusted adult in your child’s life…


OK kids, Mom’s love feeling special and knowing that you love them.  You don’t need to crack open your piggy bank to do this.  With some easy supplies and ingredients you can probably find around your house, you can bring Mom a beautiful breakfast in bed tray with a delicious and nutritious breakfast!


Start with a tray. I got this one around Christmas time for a dollar at a local store. If you look around you might have a hard plastic tray you can use too. It may have Easter bunnies on it or even sun flowers.

get towel

Now find a dish towel or a tea towel. This one is plain white, just use whatever color your mom likes.

towel cloth

Fold the towel nicely to cover the tray, but not over hang.

mommy cup

Use a disposable coffee cup for this project. If you don’t have a plain white one available, you can color a piece of computer paper or construction paper, cut it to the size of your mom’s travel mug, color it with pictures or just a simple “I love Mommy” and tape it to the mug.


Then your cup will be ready to set on the tray with coffee or tea… or whatever your mom likes to drink in the morning.

fruit salad1

Ask an adult to help you get some of your mom’s favorite fruit and make her a little fruit salad in a paper or plastic cup. Here there are some sliced mango pieces and cut up strawberries. You could use grapes, blueberries and raspberries if you can’t use a knife. Just be sure to rinse them and dry them gently first.

fork and knife

Get a pretty napkin and plastic fork and knife or in this case a wooden set.


Make a pretty flower like this one. This one is a pom-pom flower (I will be posting the tutorial soon, so look for it). And place it in a bud vase. You could also make a tissue paper flower or get creative and make one from pipe cleaners or popsicle sticks or whatever you have in your craft supplies.

eggs with hats

This is an egg with a hat… You can click on this link to find my Eggs with Hats recipe! (Also, notice it is on a plastic plate, you can use whatever you have, plastic, paper)  If you aren’t allowed to use the stove, make mom some nice toast with butter and jelly!


Mom’s usually like having something healthy for breakfast and this BCT  (Bacon, Cheese and Tomato) salad is yummy and healthy.  Again, if you can’t use the stove you could just get some pieces of cheese and toss with some tomatoes and maybe use microwaveable bacon.

Here is what you will need for my BCT salad:


My BCT salad is super simple! It’s just some crispy bacon (1 slice, chopped into 4 pieces), 4 grape tomatoes (they were grilled with the bacon for about 1 minute) and about 2 oz. of diced cheddar cheese. Toss them all together.


And that’s it. I will have a list of supplies for doing it exactly as I did. But, you can definitely substitute with supplies you have around the house! Have fun and remember that your mom will just love the effort you are putting into it so make it special and keep her tastes in mind!


1 hard plastic tray

1 kitchen towel

1 plastic plate

1 bud vase

1 homemade flower

1 pretty napkin

1 plastic cup

1 coffee cup, decorated

1 fork and knife


1 egg with hat (bread, egg, butter see recipe here)

1 BCT salad (grape tomatoes, cheddar cheese, bacon)

1 fruit salad (mango and strawberries)

Coffee or tea for the mug

Codfish Cakes (Bolinhos de Bacalhau)

AdoneFriday’s in my house growing up were always grocery shopping day.  That being said, having a full-time working mother, also meant that it was “take-out” day.  We would usually toggle between three things, pizza from Atlas Pizza, Chinese from China Royal or fish and chips from Flint Fish Market.  Sometimes if we were lucky we could tack a little on to that fish and chips order, like shrimp cakes or codfish cakes.

Codfish is a staple in the Portuguese diet.  And although fresh caught Cod is delicious, what most portuguese people think of when they think of codfish is dry salt cod, bacalhau.  This is not fish that has been left to sit with salt on it for a day or two.  We are talking about a drying and salting process that changes the entire consistency of the fish to something amazing and if you know how to work with it, you can create some incredible dishes.

Codfish cakes can be served warm or room temperature.  For breakfast, lunch, dinner or brunch.  They are great for parties and picnics.  They can be a main course or a side dish.

Here I will take you through the process of rehydrating and cooking with this particular Portuguese mainstay.


This is bacalhau (dry salt cod). For this recipe we are using deboned codfish bits… Normally the best thing to use is a nice thick piece and if I were making almost anything else, that’s what I would get. But, this is actually less expensive and less work, so for something I will mush up anyway, bits are the way to go.


The first step is to rinse out the fish, get all that initial salt off. Rinse until the water runs relatively clear.

washed cod

Once you have some clear water, you will want to boil this. Then drain. Then boil again. Then drain again. You are not only rehyrating with this process, but removing the majority of the salt. After the second boiling, taste for salt. You still want it salty, but not crazy. Sometimes I go as far as to boil a third time.

cooked fish

This is what your boiled fish will look like.

cod in cloth

Place on a flour sack towel. (or any clean kitchen towel)


Wrap and twist the end. Wring out all the water. For Cod Fish Cakes we want only moister we add coming to the party.


Once all the water has been removed and the fish is still in the cloth, mush with your hands.

mushed cod

The fish will look very mashed now, which is what you want… you should now go through with your fingers and check for any random bones. Set this aside.


Boil potatoes whole with skins on to preserve the starch.

cooked potatoes

Peel boiled potatoes.

mash potatoes

Start mashing potatoes with a masher then finish with a fork in order to get potatoes really fine. You don’t want big chucks. If you have a ricer, this would be the perfect use. (Do not add anything to the potatoes) Set aside to cool.

dice onions

Finely dice onions. The easiest way I find to do this is to cut onion in half and in half again. Then slice several small slices throughout and turn and slice the other way, like so.

onions in pan

Place onions in a small skillet with a drop of olive oil and gently saute. When onions start to develop color, remove and set aside to cool.


Mince parsley finely.

add to potatoes

Add onions and parsley to potato. Mash together.

mix in cod

Add fish to mash. Mash together. At this point taste for salt. If it does not have a light salty taste, add a pinch of kosher salt.

add egg

Add in one egg and combine.

scoop mixture

Your mixture should hold together at this point.

oil spoons

Put a dab of olive oil on two soup spoons.


Mold with two spoons. It should for a tri-sided croquette.


Line up on parchment until ready to fry. (At this point they can be covered and refrigerated for 24 hours or flash frozen and stored for a couple of months until ready to fry)


Heat canola oil in a large skillet on med/high heat. Place croquettes in oil with lots of room around them. Do not crowd pan. Turn the burner down to medium heat.


Because the croquettes are three-sided, it is easy to turn them as they cook. You want to take your time with this.


The whole process of frying should take 10-15 mins. Be sure each side is golden brown without burning. If they cook too quickly, the inside will not properly cook through.


Drain on paper towels. Normally with fried food, I would tell you to salt at this point, but these are naturally salty, so no need.


Transfer to a serving dish. They can be served warm or room temperature.



Recipe for Cod Fish Cakes:

(serves 4-6)

3/4 lb. dry salt cod, prepared (hydrated and mashed)

3 medium potatoes, boiled, peeled and mashed

2 tsp. minced parsley

1/2 medium onion, finely minced, sautéed

1 egg

kosher salt to taste

1 c. canola oil


Combine mashed potato (cooled), minced and sautéed onion (cooled), parsley.  Add in mashed fish. Mash together.  Add in egg, combine.

Spoon out one soup spoon of mixture.  With another soup spoon, form into tri-sided croquettes.

Heat oil in a large skillet over medium/high heat.  Place croquettes in heated oil to fry.  Turn down heat to medium.  Fry over 10-15 minutes turning periodically until golden brown.  Drain on paper towel.


*note – this recipe is gluten-free



‘Breakfast at Lindsey’s’ Bridal Shower

cake3My little sister is getting married!  What an exciting time!  She loves breakfast food, so my other sister, my mom and I thought it would be fun to throw her a ‘Breakfast at Lindsey’s’ Bridal Shower.  We took the elements of the very popular movie and made them burst from every seam.

These details can be transformed with little effort to be a ‘Breakfast at _______’ of your very own for anything from a 1st birthday party to a graduation party to sweet 16!  In fact breakfast parties are really becoming all the rage.  Although breakfast and brunch has traditionally been reserved for wedding or baby showers, they are a great low-cost option for any type of party really.  This one just happens to bring a little glitz and glamour to the morning.

I’ll take you through each detail and you can be on the lookout for projects in my crafts section to show you how to do some of the very doable DIY projects we have for pulling it all together.  Whatever you do, have fun with it.  This was a joint effort and it all came off splendidly, so be sure you have lots of what I like to call ‘Party Warriors’ to help get everything done.


Let’s start with the beginning… the welcome table. This is a table we had set up right at the entrance which was to welcome people in. It contained all the key points we needed to let everyone know as soon as they got to the party. We covered the table that was already covered by a long white restaurant provided table-cloth with one we brought from home in a “Tiffany-ish blue”.

recipe box

We set out a recipe box to collect all the recipe cards that incoming guests had already filled out at home as they received the cards with their invitations. You will see touches of diamonds as you see the confetti here throughout the party.

quilt station

Each guest was given a string of pearls and asked to fill out a square of fabric with the fabric markers provided giving their best marital advice in lieu of a sign in book. After the shower, my mother planned to sew it together with mixed in silver squares. (also, the fabric – Tiffany blue linen – is the same as that of the runners you will see on the tables also)


A sample square was provided so that guests could see what we were looking for. This is always a good idea to help guest get a clear picture of what we are asking them to do. Also, I got to do my square ahead of time, which is great because when hosting a party, it is hard to find time to stop what you are doing to participate in all the fun. (I didn’t take a clear picture of it (sorry), but all squares were laid out on a table in the entrance to the room when completed… that way guests could also have fun looking at what everyone wrote)


We had a hard time finding the guest of honor a tiara that wasn’t gaudy and didn’t cost more than the whole party. Our solution, a hair comb we found at our local craft store. We bent the comb at a 90° angle and wala… instant tiara, cute too! (We kept this at the entrance table so as not to forget to place it on my sister’s head)


We clustered some vases in varying sizes that we had adorned with some diamond-like ribbon. We filled them with simple in-season white tulips and ostrich feathers and pulled it all together with some pearl string. Then we completed the look with some sparkly votive candles and diamond confetti.


The food was served family style at the tables, but we added a special touch and ordered a waffle station because it is the guest of honor’s favorite.  We just added a little touch of softness with this bunch of plain baby’s breath.


As guests came in, we had two tables set up to accept gifts with a pretty white birdcage topped with a crystal birdy we found at our local craft shop for cards.


And that is my daughter in awe of the beautiful gifts!

me and lainey

Our little Kathrine Hepburn had her dress designed and made by my good friend and her mom who is an amazing seamstress. The little tiara was a pin that i converted into a hair bow and she had her own pearls, but she wanted some of the party favors too.


This is my daughter’s BFF who was a matching little Katherine Hepburn for the party! They had lots of fun! I just wish I had gotten a picture of the two girls together!

featured vase

We had a simple vase of white tulips as the centerpiece on each table, filled with ostrich feathers and adorned with the diamond-like ribbon I mentioned above.


My mom made these beautiful Tiffany blue runners for each of the tables. Then we asked the restaurant to set out a circle mirror (most restaurants have these for free!) and we of course sprinkled more diamond confetti at the base of each centerpiece.


Each place setting was set with a black napkin (that we asked the restaurant to do for us before we got there) and a pair of sunglasses for each guest. We also added a Tiffany blue mini pencil for the bingo game we planned (guests appreciate not having to fish around for a pen)


Each table was then dotted with a few boxes of “cigarettes”. Don’t worry the place didn’t fill up with smoke, we just took a box of candy sticks (candy cigarettes) and wrapped them in a black and white ‘Holly Go Lightly’.

opening gift

If you are doing a party where gifts will be given and opened, it’s a good idea to have a gift passer outer and a gift writer downer.


We put together a little surprise at the end of the gift giving. We gave Lindsey, the guest of honor, a laundry basket and had her filling it with cleaning supplies, but we created a little story with the cleaning products (kind of like a skit). Each cleaning supply had something to do with either getting married or the couple themselves.


Now, onto the cake table. We had one of the couple’s engagement pictures blown up and turned into a canvas and displayed it on a stand behind the table.


We decided to forgo a regular cake and made red velvet and my special black velvet cupcakes in black cupcake liners and topped with cream cheese frosting. We added a little game this by hiding a chocolate kiss in one of the cupcakes (warning guests of the possibility of course) and whoever found it, got a prize.


I designed the cupcakes to look like a wedding dress with a super fancy belt and brooch. The belt is a double layer of diamond ribbon and the brooch is a real brooch to tie it all together.


We can’t talk about the famous Tiffany’s without that little blue box tied up with a white ribbon. So, we got some little blue boxes and white ribbons and filled them each with a ruby ring for each guest to take home (a strawberry Ring Pop). Guests loved the little thank-you gift.


In keeping with the theme, we (the hosts) each wore our little black dresses and pearls. We also were sure, since the shower was a surprise, to have a little black dress and pearls ready for the guest of honor.

Supplies for a Breakfast at Tiffany’s style party:

* pearl necklaces

* sun glasses

* a ruby ring (Ring Pop) in a beautiful little Tiffany’s box

* candy cigarettes wrapped in movie themed photo copies (two per table)

* a tulip/feather centerpiece in a vase adorned with diamond ribbon

* a Tiffany blue table runner

* black napkins set under the plate (supplied by restaurant)

* diamond confetti

* little blue pencils

* Cupcake wedding dress

* a chocolate kiss to hide in one cupcake

* blue table-cloth for the welcome table

* tiara made from a hair comb

* quilting squares

* fabric markers

* canvas photo of the couple, set on an easel


* fun skit with laundry basket and cleaning supplies

* recipe box for incoming recipes

* gift tracking book

* bird-cage to collect cards

* two beautiful little girls dressed as Katherine Hepburn to top it all off

Not shown here (sorry) but don’t forget:

* prizes for games

* Bingo cards (fill in your own card with potential shower gifts)

* prizes (we did this in white lunch bags adorned with a Tiffany blue ribbon and filled with something sparkly like a stretch bracelet or a gem wine stopper)

Stacy’s Famous Pancakes

done2When I was a kid my mother had one real cookbook. Most of her cooking was of the passed down from generations type (the best type really). But I loved this cookbook. It was probably something she received as a wedding gift, an old red Betty Crocker.  I used to pour over that cookbook looking for recipes whenever I felt like being industrious in the kitchen.

I was around 8 or 9 when I decided to try the recipe for buttermilk pancakes.  Well, growing up in a Portuguese-American household, there wasn’t much buttermilk around.  Goat’s milk yes, plain whole milk, sure… but, buttermilk, not so much.  Buttermilk was not something I had ever heard of. Sooo, my 8/9-year-old mind determined that buttermilk must be milk with butter in it!  And how does one get milk with butter in it? Why you just melt the butter and add it to the milk of course!

These days, buttermilk is a staple in my home.  I make cakes, chicken (like my Popcorn Chicken), breads and any number of things.  What I do not use it in is pancakes.  Never even tried it!  Turns out, I love my little 8/9-year-old trick (that I had no idea was a trick at the time!). There is something about that butter addition that brings a real richness to the dish.

As for the rest of the recipe, it was a good base of course, but my pancakes have taken on a life of their own over the years.  They are a weekly staple for breakfast around here because they are just so easy.  But they are also a great late night snack when all my friends (who are mostly moms and dads themselves) get hungry late night after a fun party or gathering and don’t want the last thing in their bellies to be that glass of wine!

melt butter

So, lets start this with my little 8/9 year old trick. Melt a half a stick of butter or margarine. Should take about 45 seconds in the microwave, but watch it.


Here are all the rest of the ingredients.


Next, is the milk. The milk is cold, this brings down the temperature of that melted butter (and makes my “buttermilk”). The cooling is essential so you can add the egg quickly without having to wait for the butter to, well, cool.


Now, add in one large egg. Wisk.


Add in one cup of all purpose flour. But don’t wisk yet… this is my little quick and easy trick to not having to sift things… definitely a time saver.

baking powder and soda

So, on top of the flour, add in the baking powder and baking soda.


Now add in salt and wisk.


Last ingredient is to add in the sugar. This is probably more sugar than you will ever see in a pancake recipe. I like them sweet. You don’t even really need syrup with my pancakes. I almost always eat one like bread before they make it to the table.


This is what you will see. Remember not to over wisk. You don’t want to make it tough. Also, at this stage, its a good idea to let it rest for 5-10 minutes – just to give the leveners to leven.

butter pan

Now you will want to butter the pan. Heat pan to medium/high heat.  Don’t skimp here. Make sure you cover the whole pan. When I was a kid we would always use a plug-in electric skillet. (heat to 325°F if using an electric skillet)  Sometimes I still do, but here I am using a non-stick stove top griddle.



Pour your batter to whatever size you like. We tend to like about 4″ diameter circles.

pour batter

Don’t forget to leave some space between in order to get your spatula in there for flipping. When you start to see bubbles form on top and then start to pop on their own, you will know they are ready for flipping.


(If you would like to add anything in, blueberries, chocolate chips and in this case bananas, do it right after pouring and flip with the same rule, when you see bubbles that start to pop… as you can see, these are ready for flipping.)


Pancakes should be golden in the middle and around the edges. If at this point you need more butter for the pan add some. Then let them cook for a bit less time on this side. Keep the heat on medium/high. I do about 45 seconds to a minute on the flip side, it’s really just to finish it off at this point.


Add some butter and syrup (or just eat without) and enjoy!

Recipe for Stacy’s Famous Pancakes:

(serves 4)

1/2 stick butter or margarine, melted

1 cup milk

1 egg

1 cup all purpose flour

1/4 cup white sugar

1/2 tsp baking powder

1/2 tsp baking soda

1 pinch of salt

Additional butter or margarine for pan.


Mix milk into melted butter.  Add egg and wisk.  Add flour, baking soda, baking powder and salt.  Wisk.  Add in sugar wisk.  *** Careful not to over wisk.

Pour onto a buttered skillet that is over medium/high heat or 325°F on an electric skillet.  When bubbles form on top and start to pop, flip.  Cook about a minute more.


Popcorn Chicken w/ Honey Mustard Dipping Sauce

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If your house is anything like mine, chicken nuggets are a staple.  With two toddlers it’s easy and nutritious.  Popcorn chicken is a fun new way to present your chicken nuggets!  Kids love crunch and they love to dip things.

Maybe my kids are odd, but they LOVE veggies, it’s almost hard to get them to eat protein!  However, chicken nuggets and fish sticks are two that I can always count on without question. Although fast food stops are few and far between,  I have to say I am guilty of having a kid who calls out “chocolate milk!” every time we pass by those golden arches.  Eh, no one is perfect. So, when I can make them from scratch, I do.  I love being able to control the ingredients and know exactly what my kids are eating.

Just a quick note before we get started.  Although my kids are big fans (and they are yummy), sometimes I want an adult version of the meal, so take a look under the recipe for a quick and easy adult adjustment.

chicken breast

I have two toddlers, so I start with one chicken breast and that can feed them both for two meals. This recipe is very easily doubled though.

chop chicken

Chop up the chicken to the size you best think your kids would like. I find this (between the size of a quarter and a nickel) works for us and that is what the cook time is based on. If your kids prefer tenders or a classic nugget size, just adjust the cook time by 5 mins more. If you find they truly like them the size of popcorn, then reduce cook time by 5 mins.

soak chic

I find this step to be absolutely necessary when working with boneless skinless chicken of this size. Soak bits in about a cup of buttermilk for a minimum of 30 mins and up to 8 hrs. This both tenderizes the chicken and gives it some juicy flavor.


Next, measure out about 1 cup of panko breadcrumbs.

plain bc

And, half a cup of plain bread crumbs.

bc in bag

Place them in a bag with a pinch of kosher salt, some fresh cracked black pepper and a pinch of plain paprika just for color. (if your kids like spice, you could also either add in a dash of cayenne pepper or switch the paprika to Hungarian paprika)

drain chic

Remove from buttermilk with a slotted spoon. The goal is to drain the buttermilk away from the milk, otherwise you’ll create a gloppy mess.

chic in bag

Add chicken into bag. (Now, if you have kids helping with this you may want to do this in divided amounts so everyone gets a turn)


Zip up bag. Kid’s love to help with this part! Shake it up!

coated in bag

This is what you should start to see.

coated on tray

Spread out on a parchment covered sheet pan. Separate the pieces as much as possible. This one chicken breast was enough to cover an entire sheet pan. So, if you are doing more than one, plan accordingly.

crispy on tray

Place the bits in a preheated 350°F oven for 25 minutes. And here is the result. (If you like them to look a bit more browned, spray with a canned canola oil before placing in the oven. I don’t find that my kids care, so I don’t. They are certainly crispy enough without it. It’s just a matter of color.

Now onto the dipping sauce, we are making a Honey Mustard dipping sauce:


I start with about a half cup of dijon mustard.

add honey

Add in a quarter cup of honey

add sour cream

Add in a dollup of sour cream (1 heaping tablespoon)

sauce done

Stir together and wala! Honey Mustard Dipping Sauce. These three ingredients can definitely be adjusted to accommodate your taste, so play with it until you find that it works for your palate. You could also add in a pinch of salt, although I did not.

done edit2


Recipe for Popcorn Chicken:

(serves 2-4 kids or 1-2 adults)

1 boneless, skinless chicken breast, chopped

1 c. Japanese Panko bread crumbs

1/2 c. plain bread crumbs

1 tsp. kosher salt

1/4 tsp. ground black pepper

1/4 tsp. paprika

For the dip:

1/2 c. dijon mustard

1/4 c. honey

1 heaping Tbs. sour cream



Pre-heat oven to 350°F.

In a gallon size zipper bag, add in bread crumbs and seasoning.  Combine.  Add in chicken bits, shake.  Place on a parchment lined sheet pan.  Bake for 25 minutes.


Add all ingredients to a small bowl.  Stir.



Here is the adult version I promised you!

adult 2

To make this chicken: * Soak chicken in buttermilk (and a dash of hot sauce if desired) for at least one hour. * In the bread crumb mixture add in 1 tsp. Hungarian paprika for spice if desired. * Bake for one hour or until the chicken comes to 160°F with a meat thermometer.

Portuguese “French” Toast (Fatias Douradas)

NEW done2

Portuguese “French” Toast… Growing up, this was just plain ole french toast to me! I didn’t realize it was “Portuguese style”.  My mother would make this with whatever bread we had in the house, usually some type of portuguese vienna bread (as you see here) or pop seco roll.  But, it wasn’t unheard of to make it with plain old sliced bread either.  The key is the crispy fried goodness that soaks in all that sugar and cinnamon.

My Vavó (grandmother) used to call these Sopas Fritas, which doesn’t make much sense because literally translated it means Fried Soup.  But, if you understand a bit of Portuguese food history, it will.  The Portuguese make a soup with milk and put stale bread in it called “Sopas de Leite”.  Instead of soup, here we beat eggs and add milk to the beaten egg mixture and dunk day old bread to make fried, well, bread… but it was her quirky way of referring to this delightfully delectable dish.  This was traditionally served on Fat Tuesday before lent for those who could not afford to make Portuguese Malasadas (a portuguese fried dough). Now, we eat it for breakfast, brunch, parties or just as a fun snack.  Kids and adults alike love Fatias Douradas!

Whatever you call them, they are a simple and delicious start to the day.  Definitely a dish the kids can help with!  And one they will surely gobble right up.  Just one more note before we get started.  I have since realized what “actual” french toast is made with sliced bread and topped with maple syrup… this is a bit different and definitely is meant to be eaten sans syrup.  (This is a habit my husband had to be broken of)  But, if you must, you must… just try to enjoy it as is first! 🙂

pour oil

Start by adding about 1/4 cup of oil to a large skillet. This one is non-stick… a cast iron skillet will work well here too.


Grab a large Vienna bread… or any somewhat crusty loaf of bread. Vienna bread has a medium crust. A good substitution if you don’t have this available would be an italian loaf.

sliced bread

Slice it pretty thickly. These are about 1″ slices.

eggs in milk

Place 6 eggs in about 1/8 – 1/4 cup of milk.

beat eggs2

Beat eggs vigorously.

sugar cin1

Prepare your sugar and cinnamon. This is one cup of sugar and 2-3 T. cinnamon in a shallow bowl.

mix sug cin

Mix that with a fork until combined.

2012 01 24_3865_edited-1

Now, set that cinnamon mixture up near your empty platter that will be ready to receive your cinnamon sugar encrusted slices.

egg setup

Also, set your egg mixture near your prepared, preheated skillet. Proximity really matters in this recipe.

dunk bread

Quickly dunk your bread… you don’t want to over saturate the bread here… so this needs to be done as you are ready to place it in the pan.


Now… fry the egg dunked bread slices in the oil for about 2-3 minutes on each side.


Until golden brown on both sides. Hence the term ‘golden slices’ which is the literal translation to ‘Fatias Douradas’


Immediately dunk fried bread into the cinnamon sugar… do not drain first… you need the oil to soak in the sugar and cinnamon. Then place on your platter. You may notice that some of it melts in… nothing could be better!


Whether you name these Portuguese ‘French’ Toast, Golden Slices, Fatias Douradas, or Sopas Fritas… be sure to call it delicious! Enjoy!


Recipe for Portuguese ‘French’ Toast:

(serves 4)

1 large Vienna bread loaf (or loaf of your choosing)

1 c. white sugar

1/4 c. veg. oil

3 Tbs. cinnamon

6 eggs

1/8 c. milk


Pre-heat pan with oil on med/high.

Prepare ingredients:  In a shallow medium sized bowl, mix sugar and cinnamon, set aside.  In a medium bowl beat eggs and milk vigorously, set aside.

Quickly dunk bread.  Fry on both sides for 2-3 minutes on each side until golden brown.  Immediately dunk in cinnamon sugar mixture.  Plate.


Strawberry Hair Bow


Little girls love hair bows!  I wish fun things like this were around when I was a kid! Handmade hair bows are all the rage right now.  This is something really fun to do with your daughter, granddaughter, niece or any little girl you have in your life this spring break or summer vacation!

Here’s how I did it:


Gather your supplies. You will need two plain clips, one length of polka-dotted pink ribbon, one length of green ribbon with a white stitch accent and one length of black sparkly ribbon.


Clips. I ordered these in bulk on-line… But any craft store will have them or something similar.  I use these specifically because my daughter is a year and a half old and her hair is still baby fine and these hold great!


Next, measure your black ribbon. To do this open the clip and place the ribbon along the full length of the inside of the ribbon and allow for enough ribbon to run along both the top and the bottom of your clip and be sure it is able to come right around to the squeezy part of the clip.

apply black

You’ll want to run glue along the inside of the clip first. Then pop the ribbon in being sure not to close the clip until you have the ribbon in place or you will glue everything together, not fun. Then continue along the top and the bottom and finally at the end where the squeezy part is.  Your entire clip should be encapsulated with ribbon at this point both inside and out.

green twist

Next, you will want to build your leaves and your berry. Here is the shape you should make your leaves into. Place a dot of glue to secure.

twist pink

For your berry. Cut a small piece of ribbon to cover about 1/2 the size of your clip when folded in this shape.

glue pink

Now, fold over and place a dot of glue forming this shape.  Then, up with the other side and place a dot of glue there.

apply green

Your clip should have a piece that lifts up higher than the rest. (where the squeezy thing is) glue your leaves on like so.

glue for pink

Add glue to secure the berry like so.

apply pink

Now, secure your berry.

glue down green

Next, cut into your green ribbon as shown here.  Then, place a dot of glue at the top in order to fold down the green ribbon.

turn down green

This is what you should have now.

add jewel

Add a rhinestone to the center of your green, and you’re done!




(makes 2)

2 clips

1 green ribbon with white stitching

1 pink polka-dotted ribbon

1 black glitter ribbon

2 rhinestones

hot glue


ribbon fraying stuff, optional


Hotdog Griller


My love for cooking began when I was a kid.  I think I made my first batch of brownies by myself when I was about 8 years old.  I made all manner of things from grilled cheese to pancakes from scratch… mac and cheese from the box and PB&J on Ritz crackers! And by the time I was 11, I made a full pot of Portuguese soup for my Vavó on a trip to Portugal.  I was always curious.  Always wanting to learn.  I don’t quite remember how I came upon this recipe.  It could have been on T.V. or in a kid’s magazine or a cookbook somewhere.  But, I vividly remember this concoction on a summer vacation when I was a kid.  And I loved it!

If you want to get your kid’s started on learning to be self-sufficient in the kitchen, the best place to start is with things they love.  Then you can work up from there.  Then you get a little more adventurous asking them to pick out veggies at the market and make creations.  So, to start them off, this is a no brainer.  What kid doesn’t love hotdogs?  What kid doesn’t love grilled cheese?  And what kid doesn’t love being creative?  And so the Hot Dog Griller was born.


Start off with these simple ingredients. A non-stick skillet, spatula and some patience.

butter bread

The first thing you are going to want to do is warm up your bread if it’s not fresh from the bakery. 5-10 seconds in the microwave should do it. Then butter one side.

cook hotdog

Next, cook your hotdog in which ever method you like best. Here, I am steaming it in the same skillet I will use for the grilling. There is about 1/8 c. water. The same amount can be used for two hot dogs. I would add a bit more for any more than that.

finish hot dog

Once your water is just about gone, your hotdog should be ready. If kid’s are doing this with you, let it cool for a minute before working with it.

cut hotdog in half

Cut your hotdog in half lengthwise.

add cheese

Place one piece of sliced American cheese on the unbuttered side of your bread. (American cheese bends best, but if you prefer something else, go for it)

add hot dog

Now, place one half the hotdog in the center of the bread and cheese. Fold diagonally and grill like a grilled cheese.


And here is what you get. The hotdog is cooked, so really you just need the cheese to melt and the bread to brown. Hotdog Griller!


Recipe for Hot Dog Griller:

(serves 2)

2 slices whole wheat bread (any square sliced bread will work fine)

1 hotdog (regular size, any brand)

1 T. margarine

2 slices American cheese (or whatever you like best)

1/8 cup water (if steaming hot dog)


Steam hot dog in 1/8 cup water.  When water fully evaporates, the hot dog should be done.  Cut in half lengthwise. Set aside.

Spread margarine on one side of each of the slices of bread.  Turn over, place cheese and half a hot dog.  Fold in half forming a triangle.  Grill as you would a grilled cheese until both sides are golden brown.  Cut in half making two smaller triangles or leave as one large triangle.  (If your child loves mustard either use as a dipping sauce or place on hot dog when building sandwich, my suggesting would be to try as a dipping sauce first to ensure they still like mustard with the cheese.


Crack-a-lackin’ Cracker Jacks

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“Buy me some peanuts and Cracker Jacks… I don’t care if I never get back!”

Ahhh… The sweet sounds of spring (and the 7th inning stretch). Have you ever wondered why the kid needs Cracker Jacks AND peanuts?  I mean there are peanuts right in the Cracker Jacks.  Anyway, I digress.  I thought it would be nice to round off my week of celebrating the great game of baseball with everyone’s favorite… the CrackerJack!  The ingredients are simple, the method is easier than you might think; just takes a little bit of patience.  And as usual, I will give you the recipe and provide little short cut tips along the way in case you aren’t a purist like me!

Here we go:



Start with popping corn! Remember this stuff? It actually exists outside of a microwaveable bag! Growing up I used to watch the commercials for Jiffy Pop popcorn (and it seemed they sponsored half the TV shows in the 80’s) and I always wanted them. My Mom loved to make her own popcorn though, so alas we never got the Jiffy Pop. When I got older, I realized Jiffy Pop wasn’t all it was cracked (or popped) up to be anyway. Again, I digress… If you aren’t a fan of making your own pop corn or feel more comfortable with an air popper or your microwave, have at it. Just be sure it’s plain and you have enough for about 10 cups when done (like three bags)


If you are coming along with me on the old fashioned popping train… Just follow your package directions. I’m just adding a few tablespoons of oil to a large dutch oven.

add kernals

Then add in the kernels over high heat. Put the lid on the pan. When you hear your first few pops, start vigorously shaking the pan until you hear no more pops.

pop corn

And here is your final product… a lovely pot of fresh popped pop corn. No matter how you achieve this… Just be sure it is plain, fresh, and about 10 cups when all is said and done.  Add peanuts in at this point.


Continue prepping. Set your oven to 250°F.

empty trays

Line a couple of sheet pans with parchment. You can use baking dishes, or whatever you have handy. Just be sure whatever you have has a rim, otherwise you may have popcorn slipping off into your oven… not fun. If you only have one, that will do, it will just mean more mixing during the process, but I’ll explain that later. Oh, and the parchment is kind of a must, unless you have some other type of non stick surface like a Silpat or something. Remember, we are essentially making candy here, so you want to be able to work with it without it sticking to everything. Which brings me to my next step.

spray bowl

You’re gonna want to spray both a very large bowl (I use my Vavo’s massa bowl) and your rubber spatula (or whatever you have on hand) with cooking spray. We don’t want sticking!


Now, gather up some ingredients. You have no time once you start on the stove to gather these ingredients. So, be sure you are prepped ahead of time. In addition to these already measured out ingredients, be sure to have both your vanilla and baking soda at the ready.

add sugar

Start with a medium sauce pan. I like my non-stick. It doesn’t have to be non-stick, just my preference. Melt your butter and then add in your sugar.

add corn syrup

Once that is in and starting to dissolve, add in your corn syrup and salt. DO NOT LEAVE THE STOVE. I repeat, DO NOT LEAVE THE STOVE. This is not the time to get distracted, answer the door, check your text messages or discipline the children. You need 5-10 minutes of uninterrupted time here. You need to stir constantly.


Keep stirring.


Once you get to right around 250°F on a candy thermometer or in my case a meat thermometer. Try to keep it at that temp. for around 3-4 minutes. This will likely include lowering the heat. You want to keep checking back. Don’t freak if it gets a little higher, just do your best.


Once you make it through that 3-4 minutes, breathe. Then remove from heat and add in the vanilla. This is not the time to skimp out on the vanilla. Please please please use your very best PURE vanilla extract here. This one I am using is Madagascar bourbon vanilla, it’s my preference. But, you aren’t allowed to make this with that imitation stuff! (kidding, but really, don’t)

add baking soda

Now, add in the baking soda. I use a heaping half teaspoon. I like the fluffiness and lightness it brings. Careful not to overdo it though, baking soda can backfire in flavor if you go overboard.


Now stir to combine your new ingredients and it should look something like this.

pour caramel

OK… quickly pour this over your popcorn and start stirring. Again, not a time to take a break. You need to work briskly here.

mix in caramel

Keep stirring. Try to work all that caramel in throughout the popcorn as best you can. This process will take some time, assume a good 5 minutes for this step. Be fast but gentle, you don’t want a bunch of pop corn crumbles at the end.

done stirring

This is what you should have… I don’t like to overdo it with the caramel coverage. If you like more caramel coverage, just use 8 cups of popcorn. I wouldn’t go less than that though unless you are an experienced candy maker, because the caramel may clump up on you quite a bit.

spread on trays

Spread your mixture onto your prepared sheet trays.  Pop them in the oven for an hour.  But be sure to stir the mixture 3-4 times throughout their time in there.  I set my timer to every 15 mins.  This helps to further distribute the caramel and ensure you don’t have one big clumped mess when through.

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And there you have it folks. Crack-a-lakin’ Cracker Jacks! Enjoy!


Recipe for Crack-a-lakin’ Cracker Jacks:

(serves 4-6) (or one, shhh!)

10 c. plain popped pop corn (instructions above)

3/4 c. peanuts

1 stick unsalted butter

1 1/4 c. light brown sugar

1/3 c. light corn syrup

1/2 t. kosher salt

2 t. pure vanilla extract

1/2 t. heaping, baking soda


Prepare all ingredients along with all equipment.  You will need a medium saucepan, preferably non-stick.  Two sheet trays with rims, lined with parchment.  And an extra-large bowl and rubber spatula sprayed with cooking spray. A thermometer with capability to go to 250°F.  Also, pre-heat your oven to 250°F.

Place popped corn in the extra-large bowl with the popcorn.

On the stove over medium/high heat, melt butter.  Add in brown sugar, corn syrup and salt.  Continuously stir until it comes to a boil.  Once it comes to a boil, check the temp. until it comes to 250°F.  Keep it at that temperature for 3-4 minutes, checking frequently and adjusting heat.

Remove from heat.  Add in vanilla and baking soda.  Stir.

Pour over popcorn and peanuts.  Quickly, but gently stir to combine.  This process takes patience.

Pour out onto prepared sheet trays.  Bake at 250°F for 1 hour.  Stir mixture 3-4 times throughout baking.

Cool.  Enjoy!






















Chicken Mozambique Sandwich (Sanduíche de frango Moçambique)

main plate3If you are looking for something fun and exciting with a Portuguese twist for those Spring baseball games or just to enjoy with your family tonight for dinner.  Try this super easy and quick recipe for Chicken Mozambique Sandwiches!  While hot dogs and hamburgers definitely have their place all summer long, it won’t be long before they can become less than desirable.  Throw this in the mix and keep um guessing.

A good Mozambique sauce is a staple all year long.  Traditionally, Mozambique sauce is paired with shrimp, but it has proven to have great results with chicken.  Check it out and try it with whatever protein you would like.


Start by slicing up a large onion. Traditionally, onions are minced for Mozambique, but since we are making a sandwich, I thought it would be extra yummy to have some nice onions on top of our sandwich. (If you are not a fan of onions, try not to leave them out, instead ether do it this way and remove later or mince and they will melt right in. You need the onion flavoring though.)

add butter

Saute the onions on medium in olive oil until they soften. Then add half a stick of butter.


Once the butter melts in, add minced garlic.


After about a minute or so, add in a packet of saffron seasoning. (If you don’t have saffron seasoning in your neck of the woods, just add in 6-8 tendrils of actual saffron and about a teaspoon of salt)

add sazon

This is what you should have.

sliced chicken

Slice two chicken breasts about 1/4″ – 1/2″ thick.

add chicken

Add in the chicken… You want to coat all that yummy saffron seasoning directly on the chicken for just about a minute. (It’s a crazy color, right?)

glass of wine

Next, add in a glass of dry white wine. (about a cup… beer can be substituted here)

hot sauce2

Add in your favorite hot sauce, or whatever you have on hand, to taste… if you aren’t into spice, leave it out, no biggy, there is still a ton of flavor going on.



If you have some fresh parsley around, add some in… it’s not totally necessary, but I like it. Simmer for 5-8 mins and your done with the chicken part of this sandwich. If you want to serve this over rice, it’s super good!

I like to make a kind of aoli sauce to top my sandwich, here’s how I do it:


Measure about a half cup of mayo. (If you prefer a healthier option, you can use Greek yogurt here, gives if a bit of a tang)

add broth

Add in about half a cup of broth and wisk to combine

add garlic and hot sauce

Now we want to intensify some of the flavors we used. So add in about 1/2 t. garlic powder and some hot sauce. Wisk.

add paprika

Lastly, add in some paprika. This is Hungarian paprika, its got a spicy kick, whatever you have on hand works too.  And you’re done… If you have extra after the sandwich… Keep it! This would be really yummy over some fish or shrimp.

Now just a couple of preparations to build your sandwiches:


Find some sub rolls.

cut bread

Cut down the middle using a serated knife.




Toast up your sub roll with some butter.


Slice up some Swiss cheese.

main plate1

Build your sandwiches by first placing in the cheese. Then add the piping hot chicken, don’t forget to grab some of those onions to place on top and then top with the sauce. And wala, you’re done!

Recipe for Chicken Mozambique Sandwich:

(Serves 4)

For the chicken:

2 boneless skinless chicken breasts, sliced thinly

2 T. olive oil

1/2 stick butter

1 large onion, sliced

2 cloves garlic, minced

1 cup dry white wine

1 packet saffron seasoning

hot sauce to taste

For the sub sauce:

1/2 c. prepared mayonnaise (or Greek yogurt)

hot sauce to taste

1/2 t. garlic powder

pinch of paprika

For the Sandwich:

4 torpedo rolls or sub roll of your choice

1 t. butter

8 slices swiss cheese



Saute onions until soft in olive oil over medium heat. Melt in butter.  Add in garlic, continue to saute one minute.  Add in saffron seasoning.  Add in chicken to coat with spices. Add in remaining ingredients.  Cook for about 5-8 minutes until chicken is cooked through.  (Wine should come to a boil)

Sub Sauce:

In a medium bowl add in 1/2 c. Mozambique broth with mayo, garlic powder, hot sauce and paprika.  Wisk.  Set aside.

Putting the sandwich together:

Toast the sub roll with butter.  Cut down the middle to allow for stuffing.  Layer cheese, chicken, onions (from the chicken recipe) and top with sub sauce.