Summer time is a great time for vegetables and grilling! I love taking advantage of all that summer has to offer, the fresh air, the sunshine and the fresh produce! Low-carb veggies are a delicious way to replace the old winter stand-by of canned corn or peas. I would so much rather have a healthy ear of corn which has 15-net carbs next my protein and fill the rest of my plate with delicious freshly grilled veggies and I especially love it when my veggies are being grilled over charcoal!
Today’s tutorial is super simple and you can tailor it to your families tastes and preferences like with most recipes. If you love summer squash, but hate zucchini, then swap it. If you love onions, but don’t care for tomatoes, then by all means add more onions! If you want to get your kids to eat more veggies, then take them to the store and let them pick which they like and add that! This recipe is more about being a guide on the method of cooking your vegetables.
I have a bunch of low-carb veggies on hand these days and am always trying new things with them to keep things interesting… This, however, is an old stand-by. The weather has been so beautiful lately that I have decided to do all my cooking outside today, including prep, it’s a great way to let the kids play while getting dinner on the table.

Start with placing some grape tomatoes in a medium sized metal bowl. I like grape tomatoes because they are small, so no cutting required, and they are sweet.

Cut one medium onion into 1/8 chuncks. The goal here will be to cut things about the same size. You don’t want tiny onions and big giant peppers etc.

Cut your bell pepper in half, remove the seeds. I like the orange, yellow and red as I find them to be sweeter than the green. If you prefer green or that’s all you have on hand, use the green.

Cut it up to about the same size as your onions. (I am keeping my zucchini in sliced discs, so the zucchini is really driving how large to cut all the other veggies)

Slice up a zucchini. Since this is being grilled, you will want to cut them pretty thickly as you don’t want the fire to break them down too much. You want them to hold their body.

I got this little pan at the dollar store of all places. So, I thought I would give it a try, and I love it!

Place pan on over medium heat. You want the vegetables to char up a bit, but you don’t want to burn. You will want to tend to them every few minutes.

See the char they are getting? That’s nice. Let it cook another 5-10 minutes once the reach this point.

Serve with your favorite low-carb dish. Here they are accompanying my Portuguese Grilled Chicken and an ear of corn.
Recipe for Low-carb Grilled Veggies:
(serves 4)
8-10 grape tomatoes
1 medium onion, chopped into 1/8 th chucks
1 orange bell pepper, chopped into similar sized chuncks as the onion
1 zucchini, thickly sliced
2 tsp. olive oil
1 tsp. kosher salt
Mix all ingredients in a bowl. In an outdoor grill veggie pan, add in the veggies coated in oil. Tend to the veggies every few minutes as they cook so they may cook evenly.
note: this recipe is gluten-free