My Vavó (grandmother) was not a big baker, at all. But, she baked one dessert on a regular basis, this cake. I think this cake is the only reason she even owned an electric mixer, as I never saw her use it for anything else. On any given day, I could walk into her dining room and in a similar cake plate as you see here, there would be her cake. Any time I make this cake, it brings me right back there with my Vavó, enjoying a cup of tea and this deliciously simple dessert.
Memorial Day in my family was always about remembering those who have passed. We have always been thankful for those service members who have given their lives to bring us the freedoms this country has afforded us all. And in addition to that, we would always go to the cemetery to place flowers to remember family members and friends no longer with us. This was a yearly tradition for my grandmother. I show my love and remembrance in other ways… So, this post is in dedication to her – para alma da minha Vavó.
If you are looking for a moist decadent cake, this is not the one. This simple sponge cake is meant to be enjoyed with a cup of tea or coffee. It is a very basic, no frills cake with the exception of that crusty top that crunches in your mouth. It is meant to be dry and dense and have a slightly sweet taste.

Then place your egg yolks in the same bowl you originally had your whites in and beat until they combine.

Mix in with the paddle attachment of your mixer… Then scrape down the sides and bottom. and mix again.

My grandmother always used an angel food cake pan for this cake… I don’t know what it would look like in any other pan, so this is what I use.

Spray your pan with baking spray, the kind with flour in it… although my grandmother would always use butter. Spray is just easier and gets the job done.

Place in the oven for around 35 – 45 mins at 350°F or until a butter knife comes out clean (or a toothpick, but my Vavó always used a butter knife)
Ingredients for Vavó’s Cake:
(serves 8 -10)
2 cups all-purpose flour
2 cups sugar
8 eggs, separated
1 tsp. baking powder
Beat egg whites until stiff, set aside. Beat egg yolks and sugar until creamy. Fold whites into yolks. In a separate bowl, sift flour and baking powder. Add dry ingredients into wet. Mix to combine, scraping the sides. Place in a greased and floured angel food cake pan. Bake 35 – 45 minutes at 350°F until a butter knife or toothpick comes out clean.