A simple chicken stock is something that every home cook should master. Not only is it much healthier that then stuff you can buy in cans at the grocery store, but it can save you a bundle! A good chicken stock can make a quick meal taste like you slaved over a hot stove all day long 🙂
This particular recipe is a basic one. I like to have a basic recipe on hand in gallon zip lock bags in my freezer because I never know what I will want to make with it… But, if you know that you always like a certain recipe that calls for ginger and soy, then by all means cut up some ginger and toss it in. If you love the taste of a hearty traditional chicken soup, then add in some thyme and rosemary. Once you get this basic recipe down, the sky is the limit. I have used this chicken stock in recipes right here on this blog time and time again. Check these out… Lemon Chicken Soup (Canja), Slit Pea Soup and Lobster Risotto. And when you are done with making your stock, you’ve got some delicious cooked chicken meat to use in recipes like Cran-Raisin & Walnut Chicken Salad Wrap.
This is probably one of the most simple recipes you will see… you may wonder why you haven’t been freezing your own stock for years!

Start off by adding one whole chicken to the biggest stock pot you have on hand. Be sure to remove the packets with the gizzard. As for the neck, that is great for stock too, I remove it, but you can certainly keep it in the pot.

To this peel and roughly chop a carrot… I like to cut it down the middle to maximize open carrot area. Roughly chop a couple stalks of celery with or without the leaves. Then add in one onion halved and a bunch of parsley. (Again if you are planning to mostly make mexican based dishes, you could add in cilantro instead of parsley)

The next thing I like to add is a good handful of salt… I like to control the salt in my stock and I am making a good amount here so I add in about 1/8 cup of kosher salt. (Adjust salt to your taste and health requirements) This also helps flavor the chicken for later use. (This is also when you could choose to add in other herbs and spices like cracked black pepper, coriander, garlic, jalapeno, thyme, rosemary, sage, or ginger etc.)

Add water. You will want to add water up to about 2″ from the top of your pot. Just to allow room for boiling.

Boil this for about 1 hour with the lid on. Then shut it off without uncovering. Allow to cool completely. This will take at least 4-6 hours. Once completely cooled, you can skim off the fat if you so choose as well.

Once liquid and chicken have completely cooled, strain into containers. You can use the stock or bag in 1 gallon freezer bags, old cool whip containers or ice cube trays and freeze. The stock will also be great in your fridge for 3-4 days.
At this point, I usually can’t resist making some kind of soup right away, usually a chicken noodle or a mexican tortilla soup or something… then I freeze the rest. I get about 3-4 gallons of stock from this process.
Recipe for Simple Chicken Stock:
1 whole chicken
1 onion, halved
2-3 carrots, roughly chopped
2-3 celery stalks, roughly chopped
1 bunch parsley
1/8 cup kosher salt
Add all to pot cover with water (up to 2″ from top of large stock pot). Boil for one hour (Add water to replace evaporated water). Cool completely over 4-6 hours. Use, refrigerate or freeze.
*note – this is a gluten-free recipe