Preparing for the holidays is a big job. There are some very fun aspects and there can be some stressful aspects. Who doesn’t love baking cookies, Christmas music on the radio and decorating the tree while sipping hot cocoa? Then there is shopping and parties and all the pricey food and drinks… in comes the stress if you are short on cash.
November is the time we take to prepare for the holidays. One of the best ways to have a stress free holiday is to bring in some extra cash! So, today’s post is sponsored by three direct sales companies that make it easy to pocket some extra Christmas money by doing something that works for your personality.
Today I will highlight Pampered Chef (tools for cooking and entertaining), ItWorks (cosmetic nutrition supplements for healthy living) and Jamberry (fun manis and pedis on a sheet). Take a look, you may just find you can really identify with one of them!
It Works Global
Our information from ItWorks is provided to us by Representative Laura Mistler:
It Works is a Cosmetic and beauty company that has all that you needs to a better looking and feeling you. We run specials and am so excited for you to see the Christmas special that we have available.for you.
I felt like I was dying. Went to several Doctors, took several tests and nothing! All I did was sleep most of the time. One day I got on Facebook and saw this stuff my great-niece had on there about It Works and Wrapping like a Rock Star. I contacted her and we got together (me crying). I told her my problems. We went over what I needed, heck, I had tried everything else with no results, and with no hesitation purchased as a loyal customer because there was no obligation and if it didn’t work I could cancel. With in 2 days I was living again. I couldn’t believe it. So I decided to sign up and be a distributor to help others. IT REALLY DOES WORK!
I started out with the it’s vital vitamins that are all made by natural herbs. Next on my order was the greens. The greens are great for almost anything and you can drink them in water or a juice you can also mix it with a freezie from Taco Bell. I purchased the fat fighters and that blocks any of the side that is in your food so that it doesn’t go to your hips and waist it goes through your digestive system and out. The next on my list are the wraps you put a wrap on and constantly drink water while it’s on, you wear it up 245 minutes and you can wear it longer and it works on your body for 72 hours. These tighten and tone your skin and also helps to diminish stretch marks.
How You Can Get Involved:
This is such an amazing product and I want to share with everyone. I’m sure you know someone, friend, family member or maybe yourself, who wants to look and feel better.
There are benefits of being a Loyal Customer. You sign up on a autoship and you get the products at my cost. Free shipping and handling. You can also be a distributor, sign people up under you and make money. There a lot of people wanting to work from home, whether it be a single parent, don’t want to pay someone to raise your children while you are working and paying them or what ever your reason may be. Go to my website and see the products we have. All natural herbs. Nothing artificial. You can make good money. It’s up to you. Go to my website at ItWorksSavedMyLife.myitworks.com and if you would like to see before and after pictures, Friend me on Facebook at Laura Mistler (make sure you mention this blog) and I will guide you to it. Thank You and God Bless.

Our information on Jamberry comes from representative Tanya Patnaude:
Hello you amazing followers of the Portuguese American Mom,
First a Big thank you to Stacy for sharing my story with you. I have to be one of her biggest fans. Love seeing what she is going to share next.
My name is Tanya and I am a consultant with Jamberry. I absolutely love Jamberry and our product line. Being a consultant with them was not even on my radar when I began. I was just an enthusiastic customer. I love when I just leave a salon or just do my nails at home. They look so polished and put together. I felt pretty and put together.
Then my real life starts… Laundry, dishes, carpools, work and all the other things that go with being a mom and wife. So within a couple of days (if not hours) my newly polished nails would start to peel and chip. They would actually become dull! And honestly finding time or justifying the money along with a consistent visit to the saloon never made sense. Kids always need something… new cleats, backpack ripped and they need new one then there are numerous field trips and activities. Ultimately they and their needs are my top priority. I’m sure you all have been there and know what I mean. But, I still wanted my hands to look pretty.
I had heard that Jams were a solution to my “I just want to feel like my hands are pretty” problem. A consultant explained to me that for $15 dollars I could get two manis and two pedis and they would last 14 days on MY nails, 6 weeks on my tows. So, I thought to myself “Ok right, sure they will”. I was a pretty big skeptic, but I figured, hey I can’t leave the nail salon without spending at least 4x that much for just a single mani and pedi, what could it hurt? BUT then… they did, they actually lasted! And a bonus I could have this awesome design to change up with on my mood and the holidays. I was hooked.
A short time later my consultant approached me about joining her team. I t didn’t take long for me to see how this was a great way to earn extra spending money. The company is amazing. Offers a competitive commission and bonus program as well as incredible prizes. One of my favorite parts is I could run my business solely on the Internet and catalogue parties. I did not have to schedule any more hours outside the house. I already felt I was working too many nights missing the family and their events. So I took the plunge and it with out a doubt has started to change my life as well as my family’s. I have been able to cut back my hours at work, meet some awesome friends through my business and without sounding cliché found a piece of me I was missing. My attitude and self-worth has completely changed. I have now decided to take my business to the next level. Building life long customers and building a team. My ultimate goal is to leave my job fully to be able to be available for my family and never miss another game or concert again. I’m excited and I know my goal is achievable with Jamberry. I would love to share Jamberry with all of you. If you are interested in getting great nails at a great price , fabulous Christmas gifts, hosting a Facebook party to earn Jams for FREE or looking to earn extra money please reach out to me and I will be more than happy to talk with you. As a special offer through The Portuguese American Mom anyone who books a Facebook party with me will receive a $25 dollar Gift Card! Anyone who makes a purchase will receive a free half sheet of Jams as a Thank you! Happy Holidays to All!

The Pampered Chef

Information on The Pampered Chef is brought to you by yours truly, the Portuguese American Mom, Stacy:
The Pampered Chef is a company that offers top of the line tools for cooking and entertaining. The company is now owned by Warren Buffet, but was originally founded in Chicago in 1980 by Dorris Christopher. Her goal was to sell high quality cookware without a store front, but rather through in home gatherings. She sold $7,000 in her first year and the company took off from there. The Pampered Chef is now a multi-million dollar corporation offering that same quality Ms. Christopher offered 35 years ago!
As many of you know, as you are fans of my blog, I love to cook, bake and entertain! Doing these things is my way of not only taking care of my family, but nurturing and caring for them. My 3-year-old son asks me on a daily basis if he can cook with me. Just yesterday we baked bread, seasoned some chicken and baked up some cookies (his favorite, m&m cookies of course!). This is what I want to instill in my children, a love for coming together and the eventual independence that will come from having good life skills. My Pampered Chef tools allow me to do this with ease. I have been collecting and using Pampered Chef products for years. So, naturally my products made their way here onto my blog through the pictures in my recipe tutorials. Pampered Chef products are what I use in my kitchen, so it’s what you see when you follow along with one of my recipes. That got me thinking.
Since I am naturally displaying my Pampered Chef products for all of you, why not make them available to you all. If you look above to my tool bar you can see my shoppe where you can access my on-line catalog and my personal Pampered Chef website. There you can book a party whether on-line or live (if you are in the Southern New England area) or find out more about the opportunity to become a consultant like me. Anyway, I digress… So as you can see, I signed up to become a consultant and am now part of a great team. AND Pampered Chef is one of those product lines that really sells itself. In my first month, I made nearly $1000!!! Holy cow! Not to mention I won a prize and got $200 in Pampered Chef dollars to spend on whatever I need. Of course new consultants can make more or less, but my passion for this product line really shows through and it is reflective in that first pay check! My goal right now is to have a bill-free Christmas, but next year I’ve got my sites set on the trip I am going to earn as a consultant and maybe even as a Director!
If you or someone you know would be great at selling Pampered Chef, just contact me either here, through my Facebook page, Stacy’s Pampered Chef or through my personal Pampered Chef website. Here are the basics though… when you sign up, you pay a greatly reduced rate for a kit. You will receive those items which are a sample of some of the products we offer along with an apron, a bag and some paperwork like catalogs and order forms. You will also be eligible to start-up a personal website of your own to manage your business and take orders. From there you decide if you want to be an on-line only consultant, a live consultant who goes to people’s homes for cooking demos and freezer workshops or if you want to do a combination of the two like I do. You will have me as your upline and so I (with my upline director’s help) can guide you through personal trainings as well as on-line and virtual trainings. I belong to a really rocking team and would love to make you a part of it! So, let me know if you are interested or if you just have some questions anytime!