Ah the roasted chicken. One of life’s culinary treasures. A perfectly roasted chicken is a gem in any cook’s repertoire. This recipe is a simple lemon herb roasted chicken and lends itself to a delicious gravy with a roasting rack made up of onions, lemons, carrots, garlic and compound butter and a lovely white wine.
I am forever surprised at just how many people have never made a whole roasted chicken either because they think it is too much work or they are intimidated by the prospect of cleaning and dressing the chicken. Well rest assured, this recipe includes no giblets, no twine and minimal cleaning. In fact this recipe is one of the easiest roasted chicken recipes you’ll find, you don’t even need a special pan.

The first step is to find a pan that will adequately fit your chicken… This Pampered Chef Deep Dish Baker looks just about right.

I then start to build a rack in the bottom of my pan. I suppose I could use a pan with a rack, but this is a delicious solution to not having a rack!

I know a lot of people say you don’t need to wash your chicken, but I always do, and then I dry it up. The next few steps require the skin to be dry.

Next we will work on stuffing the chicken. Now, you really shouldn’t use actual stuffing to stuff your chicken as it will take you double time to cook it and the outter limbs of the chicken will be over cooked while the breast stays raw…. My point is it leads to uneven cooking and the stuffing rarely will get cooked all the way through. But I do like to put some things in that have moister and flavor.

Again, we don’t want to over stuff, but some liquid in the cavity will help to keep the chicken moist.

I like to keep fresh herbs on my windowsill. I find this to be much more economical than buying them each time I need them. Not to mention they are pretty.
Next step is to prepare a compound butter. Compound butters are a great way to impart flavor right in with the fat.

I have a pretty large chicken and so I will use this entire amount. But if you want to prepare this ahead of time to use with your Thanksgiving turkey or just so you don’t have to repeat this stem… you can just roll it into a log, wrap in wax paper and freeze, then use what you like. Compound butter is great on steak, veggies, egg noodles, you name it!

Then the best way to really infuse the flavor into the meat of the chicken, your best bet is to go in under the skin. Gently lift the skin and you may need to gently separate the skin from the breast with your fingers. (be aware of rings you may have on)

Continue spreading the skin as you add it in… Then once it is in, it can be smooshed around from the outside of the skin.

This helps with even cooking. Some people like to also tie up the legs, I find that leads to longer cooking time.

Once you have butter under the skin, its time to slather it all over the outside. This is why it is really important to have dry chicken. Butter won’t stick to water.

Place your chicken on your rack and add in your last addition. There is a lot of moisture with the onions and lemon, but that isn’t enough. The last addition is some dry white wine. Be sure the wine you use is a decent drinking wine. This will flavor your chicken as well as keeping it moist.

I like to cover with some foil… but in order to do that and not have it stick, I spray my foil with cooking spray.

I am covering lightly as you can see. I like the hot air circulating. Remove the foil for the last 30 minutes of cooking to brown skin.

Baste chicken throughout the cooking process. When the temperature in the deepest part of the breast comes to between 160°F – 165°F, you are ready to take the chicken out of the oven and cover immediately with foil for 15 minutes or so.
Roasted Chicken
Serves 6-8
1 6-8lb. roasting chicken
2 carrots, largely chopped
2 onions, quartered
1 lemon, sliced
3/4 stick unsalted butter, sliced rm temp
4-5 cloves garlic, crushed
4 sprigs rosemary, stripped, divided
6 sprigs thyme, divided
kosher salt
olive oil
1/2 cup dry white wine
cooking spray
Pre-heat oven to 375°F. Make compound butter: add chopped rosemary and thyme to softened butter with a tsp. kosher salt, mash together. Remove giblets bag from cavity of chicken. Wash and dry chicken and place on a washable mat. Find a roasting pan large enough to accommodate chicken and vegetables.
Create rack for chicken: in the bottom of your roasting pan add in chopped carrots, one onion diced into eighthed cubes, 2-3 cloves of garlic, 2-3 slices of lemon a sprinkle of salt (about 1 tsp) and a swig of olive oil (about 2 Tbs.) and 2-3 Tbs. of compound butter. Add in 1/2 cup dry white wine.
In the cavities of the chicken add in a couple cubes of onion, a couple slices of lemon, 2 cloves of crushed garlic, 1 sprig of rosemary and 1 sprig of thyme. Be careful not to over stuff the cavities of the chicken. Add in 1 Tbs. compound butter to the cavities.
Then making sure the skin of the chicken is dry, place chicken on your vegetable rack in the roasting pan and slather with remaining compound butter. Spray foil with cooking spray. Cover loosely with foil.
Place in 375°F oven for 20 minutes, reduce heat to 350°F for 30 minutes and baste throughout cooking. At this point check temp of chicken breast… overall cooking times will vary, but for planning, plan about 12-15 minutes per pound of chicken. So for an 8lb. chicken you are looking at roughly 2 hours of roasting time. When you are nearing the end of cooking, remove foil for the last 30 minutes or so.
*This is a gluten-free recipe.