A good friend of mine Lisa, who you may remember from her recipe ‘Stuffed Jalapeno’s’, decided to have a little Easter party for her daughter and her friend’s this past weekend. My two little one’s were invited and as I never like to show up to a party empty-handed, I decided to bring a little cake along!
Lisa is a full-time working mom and she did an amazing job with the party, the kid’s had so much fun. She put out a great spread for lunch, had an Easter egg hunt, coloring, a pin the tail on the Bunny game and Easter baskets to top it all off. The kid’s didn’t stop talking about it afternoon after leaving!
I baked my own recipe for chocolate cake and buttercream, you can certainly use a box cake mix for this recipe. However, I would use a real buttercream for filling and decorating. Also, feel free to use any flavor cake for this. Then just collect your candy and nuts and you can get started. The only real rule here is to get creative!

Here are most of your ingredients… You will need three layers of prepared cake, frosting, green sprinkles, chocolate eggs or some sort, bunnies, a spreading spatula and a cake stand.

I decided to go with three different buttercream frostings. I am doing a strawberry buttercream filling, vanilla buttercream colored green for the top and chocolate buttercream for the sides.

Start with any flavor cake baked into three layers.

Start by spreading your filling on each layer. You will want to try to divide your filling in half for this.

Be sure not to go all the way to the edges because when you place your next layer on, it will spread from the weight.

Place the next layer on.

And repeat with the remaining filling.

Place the third and last layer on top.

Next I like to add on the side frosting, spreading evenly, but it’s supposed to mimic dirt, so a little roughness is nice here.

Once you have it all spread on be sure to go up over the edge just a bit and then clean up the plate.

It’s always a good idea to trim the cake bottom… Here I’ve used sliced almonds that mimic rocks in the dirt, but you can really trim with anything you like.

Once this stage is complete, move onto the next step.

Pile your green frosting up on top, right in the middle of the cake.

You will want to be sure you are gentle with this step so you come just to the edge of the top of the cake, spreading evenly.

Now go around the edge of the top of the cake with your chocolate eggs.

I like to go around with a little turn and it is ok if there is green on the outside of these… you don’t want them falling off.

Move all the way around the cake.

Pile up some sprinkles right in the middle of the top of the cake. My sprinkles are an Easter mix with cue little eggs in them. Use whatever you like here. Even brown sprinkles would be cute.

These Peep bunny’s come in rows, so when you detach them from each other, they will have a raw edge.

To mask that raw edge, simply take another bunny and rub the sugar from the back of the bunny on the raw edge of the one you will be displaying.

And it does a good job of masking it.

Now to affix the bunny’s to the top, you will need some tooth picks or serving picks as I am using here.

Insert the tooth pick or serving pick into the bunny.

Once it goes in about halfway, you are ready to use.

I use three different color bunny’s here, you can get creative, use the same color or use 5 bunny’s (I like to stick to odd numbers)

Be sure they are placed just as you like.
Bunny Cake
Serves 12-16Ingredients:
3 8″-9″ cake layers (any flavor)
4-5 cups buttercream frosting, divided (see recipe below)
1 bag chocolate candy eggs
1/4 cup sliced almonds
1/8 cup green sprinkles
green food coloring
1/2 cup bittersweet chocolate chips
3 Peep bunnys, assorted colors
8-10 chopped strawberries (optional)
Divide frosting in 4 parts. Two parts will be filling, add chopped strawberries or any other flavoring if desired. Add green food coloring to third part until desired green color is acheived (usually 4-5 drops). Add melted chocolate to fourth and final part.
Place first cake layer on cake stand. Add one part of filling and spread. Place second cake layer on top. Spread second part of cake filling. Place final cake layer on top.
Spread chocolate frosting on sides of cake. Trim bottom of cake with sliced almonds.
Spread green frosting on top of cake. Rim the top of cake with candy eggs. Pile up green sprinkles in center of top of cake.
Pierce Peep bunny’s with toothpick’s and affix to the top of cake in a decorative fashion.
Basic Buttercream Frosting
Yield 5 – 6 cupsIngredients:
3 sticks softened unsalted butter
6 cups confectioner’s sugar
1/3 cup milk
2 tsp. pure vanilla extract
Cream butter with an electric mixer. Turn speed to low and add in confectioner’s sugar. Add milk. Add vanilla. Beat until smooth.