Happy Easter everyone! My daughter doesn’t go anywhere these days. She is two and she is already developing her own sense of fashion! Right now she is on a “princess” trend so she is all about dresses and hair bows. When I made this Bunny hair bow for her she was super excited and wore it to the Easter party she was invited to last weekend!
My daughter is finally getting enough hair to use traditional hair clips, but this can definitely be made with the alligator clips that grasp onto baby fine hair as well. I used a combination of sewing and hot glue for this one, take a look at how I did it.

Some of the supplies you will need are grossgrain ribbon in a white and pink… or whatever color bunny you like with a contrasting color for the inner ear. A spool of tiny pom-pom ribbon, some pink thread (or matching your contrasting color) a glue gun and two googly eyes. You will also need your clip and some fraying solution.

Start out by deciding how big you want your ears. I cut my ribbon about 3″ each for the ears.

Then stack your main color (in my case white) and your contrasting color (in my case pink). And form a tall loop.

Now place a small stitch at the bottom to hold the shape in place.

Once this is done just trip any fraying you see. This doesn’t need the fraying solution because it will be glued shortly.

Now form a bow with a length of ribbon that is your main color. I do this two ways. Either this wa or with that end that is in the front placed behind. You can see the difference at the end.

Place a small stitch to hold.

Now clip off two tiny pom-poms forming a “V” shape.

Now all your preparations are ready. Choose which clip you prefer and cover with your main color ribbon to blend in.

Here are all the pieces.

Stitch the pom-poms onto the bow.

Now dab two bits of hot glue for the ears, they go on first.

You will want to work quickly here.

Now add another dab of glue for the bow itself.

Now glue on the eyes and the little square of pink for the nose and you’ve done it!

Just be sure to go back and use the fraying solution on the ends of the ribbon that are exposed. This is a very important step whenever working with ribbon of any kind.
Bunny Hair Bow
White grossgrain ribbon (or brown or gray etc)
Pink grossgrain ribbon (or blue etc)
Tiny pom-pom ribbon
2 googly eyes
hot glue
fray check