Breakfast in bed has long been a Mother’s Day tradition across the country. This post is not meant for Mom’s, but for those who care about them. So, I will be addressing both kid’s and their adult helpers. This is my Kid Friendly version of breakfast in bed. Although mom’s love to be pampered, it’s not always a good idea for a young child to be handling mom’s good china and crystal. So, I thought it would be fun to give kids some ideas on how they can prepare some simple crafts and recipes (with adult supervision) to surprise Mom. And even if they don’t have the adult supervision needed for cooking on the stove or using a knife to cut things, I will mention some easy substitutions!
So, if you are a mom… now is the time you turn the computer over to your children or significant other or whomever may be a trusted adult in your child’s life…
OK kids, Mom’s love feeling special and knowing that you love them. You don’t need to crack open your piggy bank to do this. With some easy supplies and ingredients you can probably find around your house, you can bring Mom a beautiful breakfast in bed tray with a delicious and nutritious breakfast!

Start with a tray. I got this one around Christmas time for a dollar at a local store. If you look around you might have a hard plastic tray you can use too. It may have Easter bunnies on it or even sun flowers.

Now find a dish towel or a tea towel. This one is plain white, just use whatever color your mom likes.

Use a disposable coffee cup for this project. If you don’t have a plain white one available, you can color a piece of computer paper or construction paper, cut it to the size of your mom’s travel mug, color it with pictures or just a simple “I love Mommy” and tape it to the mug.

Then your cup will be ready to set on the tray with coffee or tea… or whatever your mom likes to drink in the morning.

Ask an adult to help you get some of your mom’s favorite fruit and make her a little fruit salad in a paper or plastic cup. Here there are some sliced mango pieces and cut up strawberries. You could use grapes, blueberries and raspberries if you can’t use a knife. Just be sure to rinse them and dry them gently first.

Make a pretty flower like this one. This one is a pom-pom flower (I will be posting the tutorial soon, so look for it). And place it in a bud vase. You could also make a tissue paper flower or get creative and make one from pipe cleaners or popsicle sticks or whatever you have in your craft supplies.

This is an egg with a hat… You can click on this link to find my Eggs with Hats recipe! (Also, notice it is on a plastic plate, you can use whatever you have, plastic, paper) If you aren’t allowed to use the stove, make mom some nice toast with butter and jelly!

Mom’s usually like having something healthy for breakfast and this BCT (Bacon, Cheese and Tomato) salad is yummy and healthy. Again, if you can’t use the stove you could just get some pieces of cheese and toss with some tomatoes and maybe use microwaveable bacon.
Here is what you will need for my BCT salad:

My BCT salad is super simple! It’s just some crispy bacon (1 slice, chopped into 4 pieces), 4 grape tomatoes (they were grilled with the bacon for about 1 minute) and about 2 oz. of diced cheddar cheese. Toss them all together.

And that’s it. I will have a list of supplies for doing it exactly as I did. But, you can definitely substitute with supplies you have around the house! Have fun and remember that your mom will just love the effort you are putting into it so make it special and keep her tastes in mind!
1 hard plastic tray
1 kitchen towel
1 plastic plate
1 bud vase
1 homemade flower
1 pretty napkin
1 plastic cup
1 coffee cup, decorated
1 fork and knife
1 egg with hat (bread, egg, butter see recipe here)
1 BCT salad (grape tomatoes, cheddar cheese, bacon)
1 fruit salad (mango and strawberries)
Coffee or tea for the mug
Love theoaoer and plastic idea. What’s the point of mom getting breakfast in bed if she’s the one doing the clean up afterwards. Where does one find thise adorable wooden utensils?
You can find disposable wooden flatware from Amazon 🙂